Open Window to Nature
Carmen Hervas
Oil Paintings

Passionate about the energy of nature that she loves so much.
My Art
Analysis of her art work
Through her paintings Carmen´s vision is to show the link between innocence and truth.
She has created a series of paintings which represent air and space. Her work transports us to original and idyllic countrysides, where the sounds of water and air are captured in colour, following her own personal esthetic language.
Her technique is fundamentally based in the conjunction of a wide range of colours which blend in the moment of creation. Carmen is very attracted to the changing seasons, time,mountainous landscapes and the movement or air and water. Her wish is to express the beauty of nature with lively, happy colours which reflect its interior soul.
Carmen has dedicated her life to building the business, studying and sports, but has never lost her passion for painting. She has found it to be the best way to express herself and reflect her personality
He began painting at the age of thirteen and during his adolescence he painted various works reflecting, from his perspective, his love for nature. He held various exhibitions in galleries and centers in Madrid, such as the Jardín de Serrano, the Casa de la Cultura de Torrelodones, etc. When, at the age of thirty-two, he left the city to pursue his passion for the sea, he left his facet as an artist for a few years to return to it in 2020 with great enthusiasm and painting abstract works, always oriented towards the energy of nature. that he loves so much.
A new technique to be developed
This year with Epoxy Resin I wanted to start with a new technique, which I found precious to create special works using emotions.
With Epoxy Resin you can’t stop to think. It is letting the emotions flow. Let the color and shapes slide in.
Contrary to oil painting, which is to meditate, here it is to express what you have inside in a quick movement. The spill of liquid that is not very controllable as soon as it falls on the canvas.
Any unevenness causes it to slide in one direction. If you impregnate more liquid than you need, it will also spill.
You have to be determined and focused on one point at a time. You can’t correct once it’s on the canvas, there’s no turning back.
The mix of colors is different, its combination is amazing once it dries. That’s why this technique involves flowing with what you feel at the moment.
It is absolutely different from oil. That is why I am going to continue creating works and delving into it to see where it takes me.
With the desire to continue innovating anda connecting with other techniques to develop my inspiration. I wanted to combine graphene putty and epoxy resin, joining two worlds to create art from the deepest instinct.
Paintings Created in 2023
Oil on canvas
Acrylic on canvas | Oil and relief paste on canvas

The Breaker
116 x 81 ( Acrylic on canvas)

116 x 81 ( Oil on canvas)

Earth and shadow
116 x 81 ( Acrylic on canvas)

Golden Sea
116 x 81 ( Oil and relief paste on canvas)
Paintings Created in 2022
Oil on canvas
Epoxy resin on canvas

The seasons of the year
100 x 40 (Oil on canvas)

51 x 61 (Grafeno & Epoxi resin)

100 x 40 (Grafeno & Epoxi resin)

50 x 61 (Grafeno & Epoxi resin)

100 x 40 (Grafeno & Epoxi resin)

Almond Blossom
73 x 60 (Oil on canvas)

The Race
73 x 60 (Oil on canvas)

The desert
81 x 60 (Oil on canvas)

Lava Bubbles
81 x 65 (Oil on canvas)

The Paths of destiny
40 x 30 (Oil on canvas)

Enchanted Forest
61 x 50 (Oil on canvas)

38 x 55 (Epoxy Resin on canvas)
Epoxy resin on canvas
A new technique to be developed
This year with Epoxy Resin I wanted to start with a new technique, which I found precious to create special works using emotions.
With Epoxy Resin you can’t stop to think. It is letting the emotions flow. Let the color and shapes slide in.
Contrary to oil painting, which is to meditate, here it is to express what you have inside in a quick movement. The spill of liquid that is not very controllable as soon as it falls on the canvas.
Any unevenness causes it to slide in one direction. If you impregnate more liquid than you need, it will also spill.
You have to be determined and focused on one point at a time. You can’t correct once it’s on the canvas, there’s no turning back.
The mix of colors is different, its combination is amazing once it dries. That’s why this technique involves flowing with what you feel at the moment.
It is absolutely different from oil. That is why I am going to continue creating works and delving into it to see where it takes me.

Minor Sea Fight
55 x 38 (Epoxy Resin on canvas)

Lava and Fire
55 x 38 (Epoxy Resin on canvas)
Paintings Created 2020 & 2021
Oil on canvas
The five Elements

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)
Magic of Nature
Oil on canvas

Sea Waves
67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

Earth and Fire
67 x 56 (Oil on cavas)
Which way to go?
Any decision can take you to one universe or another. lived consequences.
You choose
Listen to your interior, trust and do not be afraid.
Be happy

Parallel Universes
67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

The Paths of Destiny
44 x 36 (Oil on canvas)

Soul Mates in the Universe
44 x 36 (Oil on canvas)
Spring Energy

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

57 x 48 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)

Calm Sea
64 x 53 (Oil on canvas)

North of Ibiza
57 x 48 (Oil on canvas)

57 x 49 (Oil on canvas)
Enchanted Forests

Enchanted Forest
57 x 48 (Oil on canvas)

67 x 56 (Oil on canvas)
Paintings Created 1995 & 2005
Oil on canvas
Con estas obras Carmen intenta trasladar al espectador a otra dimensión. Para sentir el mar, intentando que conectes con tu yo niño y puedas volver a ver la naturaleza y el mudo desde un sentir mágico.
Through her paintings Carmen´s vision is to show the link between innocence and truth.
She has created a series of paintings which represent air and space. Her work transports us to original and idyllic countrysides, where the sounds of water and air are captured in colour, following her own personal esthetic language.
In Carmen, painting “is nothing but the way to obtain, by dint of flattery of the gross matter of life, the finest, the most delicate, the most subtle that is in it, through art and love” , as Stefan Zweig would define.
Her technique is fundamentally based in the conjunction of a wide range of colours which blend in the moment of creation. Carmen is very attracted to the changing seasons, time,mountainous landscapes and the movement or air and water. Her wish is to express the beauty of nature with lively, happy colours which reflect its interior soul.

72 x 61 (Oil on canvas)

The Lake
84 x 71 (Oil on canvas)

Sea and Forest
57 x 44 (Oil on canvas)

Sea Reflection
92 x 76 (Oil on canvas)

Volcanic Beach
72 x 53 (Oil on canvas)

Muving Sea
72 x 61 (Oil on canvas)

100 x 65 (Oil on canvas)

Sea Views
57 x 44 (Oil on canvas)

Sea Reflection
68 x 57 (Oil on canvas)

Rough Sea
73 x 53 (Oil on canvas)
Enchanted Forests

Enchanted Forest
50 x 61 (Oil on canvas)

Enchanted Forest
78 x 67 (Oil on canvas)

Meeting in Granada
81 x 65 (Oil on canvas)

92 x 76 (Oil on canvas)

46 x 39 (Oil on canvas)
Paintings Created 1988 y 1994
Oil on canvas

Lost Monastery
61 x 46 (Oil on canvas)

Canarian Nature
100 x 73 (Oil on canvas)

42 x 50 (Oil on canvas)

Fairy Tale
100 x 65 ( Oil on canvas)
1990 Exhibition in Torrelodones. Showroom “Casa de la Cultura”
1991 Exhibition in Torrelodones. Showroom “Casa de la Cultura”
1996 Exhibition in Madrid. Art Gallery ” Jesus del Valle”
1997 Exhibition in Madrid en AENOR
2005 Exhibition in Madrid. Goya street corner Serrano “El Jardín de Serrano”
2021 Exhibition in Ibiza. Ses Escoles (Oleoteca)
2021 Exhibition in Ibiza. Sa Caleta
Paintings are made to order
Realist | Abstract
Phone: + 34 619 24 38 90
Istagram: @artista.carmenhervas